
Atelier d’artista with Meghan Shawnee Littlewood | LAMB

7 August - 12 September
Atelier d’artista with Meghan Shawnee Littlewood | LAMB

Atelier d’artista with Meghan Shawnee Littlewood | LAMB

From 7th August to 12th September 2023 the artist Meghan Shawnee Littlewood will use the LAMB gallery, located in M9, as her own atelier, a place dedicated exclusively to the creation of her works.

The gallery will become the studio where the artist could fully immerse herself in her creative process, while visitors will have the opportunity to see the “behind the scenes”, witnessing the transformation of ideas into finished works of art. The exhibition experience will be enriched with a more intimate perspective on the artist’s work.

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