
In memory of Bruno Maderna | Auditorium “Cesare De Michelis”

dicember 6
In memory of Bruno Maderna | Auditorium “Cesare De Michelis”

In memory of Bruno Maderna

On the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Bruno Maderna, Claudio Ambrosini remembers the composer and conductor with a conference and with the performance of the composition “Serenata per un satellite”, curated by Ex Novo Ensemble, together with young musicians from the Benedetto Marcello Conservatory from Venice.

The conference and concert will be held on Wednesday 6 December at 6pm in the «Cesare De Michelis» Auditorium, the last event of the public program Revolution Vedova. The panorama of the arts in Venice from the Second World War to today.

Free entry while places last.

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